30 December 2009
Time for planning!!
Time to reminisce and plan :-)
Few things I want to do in 2010 :
· First, I am going to set a daily reminder to track this ;-)
· I want to spend carefully. I want to budget my expenses so that I can save more to payout loans quickly.
· My reading curve has exponentially decreased, so want to read atleast 6 books this year .
· Continue researching on flexi job options. Every day reminds me that I should start doing something atleast before LO starts schooling.
· Start counting calories and hit gym daily no matter what....My target to lose - 10 Kg;-)
· Be more stronger and be more selfish!! I am more of a get-along-well-with-everyone person. But lately, I feel this makes me look weak. I want to slowly get out of this be-nice-to-all habit and express every moment what I really feel.
· Start growing more plants in balcony.
So what are yours?
24 December 2009
Santa came to my house
I was speechless and mere happy.When I started opening the gift,my happiness was beyond boundaries-Homemade sweets,small reindeer toy for LO,handcrafted wooden hanging,Lindt chocolates, and now comes the best part-HANDWRITTEN LETTER to me and our family!!
Truly I have no words to describe how I felt this moment.I feel blessed for such good people in my world.
This is one of the sweetest gesture anybody has ever done to me.I am moved.
Happy Holidays to Everybody!!
14 December 2009
20 November 2009
Dear Appu,
Not a day goes by without thinking about you. I was not even 1% ready for you, unlike other women who imagine how their baby would be..All I was thinking about a year back was travelling back to India..Silly me.. You were so small when I carried you first. I was even scared to carry you…I was not even mentally prepared or confident about taking care of you well. You were so good and calm that you helped me to learn the tricks and take care of you were as cheerful as a baby gets… I could not help but thank and reminisce how you were like a perfect doll in when we took a 27 hour flight back to India even when you were only 2 months old….I am sure you are not going to be as nice today ;-)…From the day 1 in India, It was like a swirl, I did not know what I did but you were growing and teaching me…You took all the travel nicely - be it train or car or auto..The day you first rolled over..The day you first tried to crawl..The day you had your first taste of solids..The day we helped you to sit..The day we bought walker for you…The day you started saying thatha..The day you started to smile and wave bye bye..All are locked in my pleasant memories forever…And suddenly I realize a whole 1 year is complete with you becoming a little toddler who strives to walk steadily..I could not control my surprise and happiness when you start walking …taking one small step at a time…But you becoming a person of your own makes me fear that our bond is slowly widening and you walking away further..
I pray and wish you a very happy life. I wish you loads and loads of freedom for you to grow beyond boundaries..Everybody says I am lucky and blessed to get such a cheerful boy…I know I am and I always love you
10 November 2009
Random thoughts
And from Day-1 at new job, my day is very hectic. I plan my day carefully so that every 5 minutes is used effectively.
Above all, my little boy who is cho cheweet is getting accustomed to traveling, staying with my mom without throwing any tantrums...I really feel blessed for this. You should see him trying to take his little steps with his cute strides. It is a treat to watch. We have taken a few videos of his tries (to walk) ...
Last year, by this time in November I was eagerly awaiting my little one's arrival. This year I have grown as a mother...I still could not believe how he grew in me but now not a single moment passes by without thinking of him ...Next week we have his birthday. Though it will be a low key event,we will be celebrating his Tamil calendar birthday in grandeur...
Amidst all these, few things I want to note and remind myself...
Though juggling between career and personal life is harder, it is not as hard as I thought so. A little bit of planning is helping me in a big way. But One thing I have noticed here is not many folks give positive advices and help me take it in good stride. In my previous job at USA,I have seen beautiful ladies who transform between career women and mother so nicely without any family help, but yet see life with so positive energy. But here we have family to support us but still few to help you take things with positive attitude. Nobody gives positive advice; Focus is on negativism....I think we are brought up with tough examples and little positivity that people never help you focus on positivity....
So Next post will be about the little monster's birthday
See ya
03 October 2009
It's been a YEAR
Kutti Esh is trying to stand and pull things down. He has started waving bye bye and crawling across all over the place saying thatha,athai,akka...He sure does make my mornings fly by....and showing that he is Appu of our home.
But what have I been doing...
I still cannot believe it has been an year since I quit my last job. Now I have again started to look for a job. Though I remember my optimistic post last September when I quit my job things are not as easier as I thought to get back one with such economic conditions. Adding to the woes are the simple difficulties in even getting ready for the interview and reading tech topics with all my other priorities. I have started to dislike the option of me justifying again and again that I deserve the job at interviews and proving that I am a good fit for a job. But anyway that's how life is and I will get through this phase with grit.....:)
I dont want to leave on that front,Leaving you a happy pic of the cute one :)
11 July 2009
Few people...
07 July 2009
New home,LO crawling....
We are getting compliments for our picture wall :) I am so happy I could do it the way I wanted it. It’s a picture pile of 3 generations of our families :)We have few furniture/appliances to buy now. We will get them one by one ;-)
The best thing about our new home is that it has good cross air ventilation. It is so good that you don’t feel the heat at all in evenings and nights :-)
The only thing I always complain to Param (I know I complain a lot) is about the occupancy of flats in our complex being very less…Less than 10%...So I kinda of feel lonely, the Mr. is optimistic things will improve by end of this year J … I never cared about the occupancy rate or any such detail when I was in US,but now I am asking for better occupancy ;)…
And Eshvar is growing up. He can now sit without any support and he crawls all over the place. I am very happy to see his changes day by day…and I cannot believe in another
4 months he is goint to have his frist birthday cake….He poses well for photographs (Guess he got that gene from me ;-)) I am yet to see a teeth, let the tooth fairy visit late…
Last week was one of the memorable weekends here. We had my cousin and his wife at our home for virunthu :). The best part was after a game of poker, we all went to our apartment park and played swing and see-saw at late night (1 am) and had whole-hearted fun …These kind of days will remain in memory forever :)
Before I finish off, let me add that the microwave oven + grill is fantastic and I am getting grasp of grilling and baking in oven….Now I can start baking J which makes me the most happiest person… I even baked an eggless cake for my amma and some butter cookies :)…LG makes very good oven :)
26 May 2009
Birthday time :-)
We got a chance to be at my tirunelveli this weekend. So We arranged for a cake and my SIL did the decoration part...We had a small party and had good fun. I leave you with few photos

Happy birthday again my dear husband...Wishing you loads and loads of health and happiness :-)
26 April 2009
LO,wedding,Home and more.....
I cannot imagine its already 5 months since the little one has come and time is running so fast and the LO learns a thing a day and makes our life more interesting….
You put him at one place..After 10 minutes He is exactly in opposite direction….
He loves to watch anything that moves-from a newspaper lying around whose pages flapping to curtains moving due to breeze ...
He grasps/catches anything that is nearby or we show to him.About a month back, he did not show interest to hold, but within 15 days, he now wants to hold anything
He still loves all bright colours :-)
5 things to go for 5th month!!
When it comes to move in to new house, Its already 3 months and we still haven’t moved to new house…One thing delays the other and We both are getting annoyed by the delay..But I know, sometimes the delay is for good….उप्पेर वाला is delaying for something else….I just will wait
In all these hurry I managed to paint my storage box..The storage box belonged to my great grandmother..She lived with us during my school years…And I was so happy I could get hold of that and paint to my desire ….
01 April 2009
Fantastic Four
Time for little rewinds
Time for little remembrances
Time to see how we have grown fond of each other
Time to enjoy sweet little things in life though we both have been very busy with lot of things past few months
Time to pray to God to bless this relationship even
And all these in 4 years .....
4 cheers to our meet-anniversary !!!
02 March 2009
Last month was.....
We had 2 quick ceremonies within 10 days of arrival here. I am glad both the naming & housewarming ceremonies went well as planned. Eshvar's naming ceremony was more like an introduction of him to my friends & relatives here... And nobody gets his spelling right (Eshvar) - even my dad ;-)
Our house warming was a simple function as our apartment was not fully ready for occupation and my dad had to travel on a business trip just before the function. Wood
And my little hero has started to roll over - on back to tummy in 2 second ;-) all when he is yet to hold his head steady. He gives the most beautiful smile to everybody :-) He was als
All in all an eventful & brisk month.....
13 January 2009
I will miss her
We worked together in my first job. During those days,our conversation would be Hi's and bye'. Then when she came to US for her MS,it was then our friendship started.It graduated from half an hour phone calls to non stop chit chatting.Our conversation would be from day to day activities to little sandais at home to things happening in India to our work to our dreams to our wishes to our complaints.It just doesn't fit any frames. When I was working earlier, we used to IM almost every day.When she visited me to wish me the best of everything during pregnancy, it was like a sister visiting my home and having the girl talk. The best thing I like until today is that we do not pass judgments on each other.I am more frank with her than with anybody else.
If I just think of her, the first thing that comes to my mind is the kalatta vetti talk we had at small cafe in SFO. Now as I start preparing for the travel,I feel the talks with her is what I will miss the most.I know with all advancements, though we are just a phone call apart....the fact is that I will miss her !! :(
I know now I have written more like a testimonial to our friendship rather about her. But Anyway this is the best place where I could express it ...