I cannot imagine its already 5 months since the little one has come and time is running so fast and the LO learns a thing a day and makes our life more interesting….
You put him at one place..After 10 minutes He is exactly in opposite direction….
He loves to watch anything that moves-from a newspaper lying around whose pages flapping to curtains moving due to breeze ...
He grasps/catches anything that is nearby or we show to him.About a month back, he did not show interest to hold, but within 15 days, he now wants to hold anything
He still loves all bright colours :-)
5 things to go for 5th month!!
When it comes to move in to new house, Its already 3 months and we still haven’t moved to new house…One thing delays the other and We both are getting annoyed by the delay..But I know, sometimes the delay is for good….उप्पेर वाला is delaying for something else….I just will wait
In all these hurry I managed to paint my storage box..The storage box belonged to my great grandmother..She lived with us during my school years…And I was so happy I could get hold of that and paint to my desire ….