29 December 2007
Holidays at Keys
03 December 2007
28 November 2007
What did I do this long weekend?
Went on a shopping spree? -> No Not at all
Had nice food? -> Yes, a hell lot of dishes from Saravana bhavan, muniyandi vilas, american restaurants, home made food, sea food
Had fun? -> A lot with friends visiting us and we played a lot of playing cards
Threw a party? -> Yes, had a big fun with Param and his friends.
Took photos? -> Shot a bunch of pics at SFO & beach drive and some sneak shots of P & his friends as well ;-)
So Its 95/100 and No complaints :-)..Another best weekend :-)
22 October 2007
Priceless Sunday evening
Nagging P to get pori and dates- 2 hrs
Preparing Date chutney -0.5 hr
Searching for Easy-recipe cake- 1 hr
Getting the sponge cake ready -1 hr
Preparing Bhel Puri 0.5 hr
Enjoying the snack and Coffee On Sunday evening, with absolutely everything turning out to be tasty- Priceless
And by the way, Guess what is this?
05 October 2007
Still blogging....
Yes, I have finally settled down ! Last 1 month was quite hectic with vacating apt., cleaning and celebrating our anniversary on an empty home, then dragging my days at hotel, searching for a new apt. for 2 full days, having infinite discussion about the localities and amenities, finally decided to rent this nice apt that felt like a home (though bit expensive for us), searching for job, getting irritated when there was no job offers/ calls from any company ... and finally getting an that unexpected call from another consultant leading to my new job where I am yet to join. Am just sitting at home right now - spending time browsing,reading, cool and meeting my old friends on weekends (I was very much anxious or should say crazy to meet them after 4 years), still finding the old stories interesting...and that's how my life has been for past 1 month.
One thing I am really excited about the new place is that there are lot of activities going on in the neighborhood :-)
Most important, My loving friend Baru has started blogging..Please visit hers too
02 September 2007
Moving Again
When it was my last day at my previous job, my friend completely surprised me by decorating my work place like this and throwing a nice party.
And this time, Param had a change of location and we are moving to California and hence I resigned my job again. Thats one of the reasons that kept me busy and away from blogging. But again my last day was really unforgettable with my colleagues presenting me a "Mini Cooper" replica ( I tested this car at work and was part of the "Mini" team). I was all happy to get it as a memorabilia.
And then we went out for team lunch where my team completely surprised me with a scrap book ful of pics from last year. Very thoughtful of them. One of the photos from scrap book had all the phones I was testing with our car.
I am so happy I had been part of such a very nice team. My memories from here will always be in my heart and I will take them with me to India.
Now that we are moving to California wish me luck to get a nice job soon :-)
01 August 2007
Century அடிச்சாச்சு :-)
I and Param always wanted to do something together. So we started running/jogging together a few months back . Just like two perfect Geminis, we now changed our interest to do something else -We started to play tennis this week. Param kept this idea of playing tennis just as an idea for a long time until i insisted last weekend to get the racquets. Yesterday we went to the school tennis court near our home to play. As always, Param had lots of inertia to start the game but once started he was in it with full enthusiasm, whereas I had great enthusiasm to start the game but got tired really quick. Well, at least we complemented each other on our enthusiasm levels and played for an hour with Param playing big shots and me running all around picking the ball I missed ;-) Anyway, not a bad idea to start the week with.
BTW this is my 100th post and I am happy that I chose to continue blogging. I started it as a time pass and now it is more than that. I sometimes feel compelled to create a post and Param thinks I am obsessed with it :-)
11 July 2007
Our long weekend
On Tuesday afternoon I finished my work as soon as possible and headed home.With full enthusiasm , we packed our bags with food items (for 4days) in one bag and dresses in others. We even packed our dinner (dosai) ;-). At airport after check-in and security check, we were soon at the gate. We got seats in different rows and had to squeeze in middle seats. After a 2 hr flight, we were at Orlando. Orlando international airport was quite big. We took Hertz shuttle to Hertz rental centre and I should say I feel the roads at florida are wider than those in NJ. We got a Mazda with GPS (was quite happy that it made my navigator job easy)
and we set out to our hotel.

This time Param surprised us all by taking us to nice 4.5 star hotel and we were in all awe seeing the hotel. Our room even got refrigerator and microwave. I have never stayed in such star hotel before and started enjoying my stay. We had our nice dosai dinner and crashed into our bed ...:)
We started to Sea world. I am not going to bore you with all the details..but all I would say is - It was the best I have ever seen. If you are watching the Shamu show, Watch the first show, I feel it better than any other timing...It was awesome to see how they believed that they could train killer whales to do such shows.The sea world was worth a full day visit...

And evening DIL (me) and MIL bought souvenir . The day was memorable also for the puliyotharai (this time I enjoyed my vacation because I had south indian food unlike french fries only)
We visited Universal studios.

It was thrilling and exciting, as we started enjoying all types of animation shows, simulation shows just like small kids...starting from Shrek to twister to earthquake to mummy to jaws to spiderman to sindbad stunt show...We were tired at the end of the day but full of nice memories..Forgot to mention, everyday during our stay at Orlando, there were thunderstorms ! But its fine if few things like weather were not so perfect on an otherwise perfect day.
This day , it was the trip to land where all dreams come true, yes the Disney Magic Kingdom. But I was rather disappointed as eventhough its beautiful to see all imaginary characters on dream place, I could not enjoy much. Maybe If I go with my kids in future I would enjoy it more.The Disney parade and Cinderalla palace was just like in fairy tale and salvaged the day.

Day-4 :
With lots of expectations, we got 2-day tickets to Disney the previous day, So we thought we'll try our luck at Disney Animal kingdom this day.

It turned out to be a better decision as we enjoyed the "its tough to be a bug" 3-D show to start our day. We felt cockroaches crawling under the seats( thats a spoiler without warning if you are planning to visit) and nice safari in African jungle(one of my wishes is to travel across Africa- Param are you hearing this? ). We ended our day with a Lion king show. Near our hotel there was a theatre which was upside down ;-) and my FIL wanted to check it out and we took some Patel shots..

Ooops I forgot to mention, In the hotel where we stayed, they had this wierd tradition- at 5 in the evening every day, they played parade music while the ducks in the fountain were made to march towards their nest and there was a big crowd to watch it :-) We were full of laughter to see the fuss about the whole thing.

So after visiting all these places, its time to get back home and We all started back again to NJ and my story ends here

Not to forget
the Memories of India hotel
Service-> Poor
Food-> Above average
Woodlands cuisine
(this is just a tip for anybody travelling to Orlando)
14 June 2007
Brands Or Bargains?
For the same cost price, I would choose many-good-looking-no brand watches rather than going for a single-branded watch.The same with slippers and dresses...But when it comes to bargained products, they usually do not last long and many a times fail you at the wrong time.(its almost 50% true for me)
Now I am wondering "Should I chose brands rather than bargains ?"
30 May 2007
My latest time pass
24 May 2007
Birthday time again
04 May 2007
What's happening with me
- Last 1 month has been very busy with param's parents at home.So every week, we have been touring around new york and new jersey.
- Got a car for myself and started driving alone...Getting prepared for defensive driving test at my office.
- Ran for 4- mile race twice in 10 days.
- And We have completed 1 year in this home. I have come a long way from not liking this place at first sight to feeling at home in this last 1 year.
- And this time, I wished my dearest friend on her birthday, while another dear friend gave birth to baby boy on the same day, so I have one more reason to celebrate the May day.
- Spring has come and I see flowers everywhere, beautiful tulips in Central park...
16 April 2007
A pleasant surprise trek
Inital1000 steps were a breeze. We climbed it in 30 minutes. So We thought we could do it easily.
So the whole walk was an unplanned yet memorable.
12 April 2007
I am back online
Visiting Old friends and get to know what others are doing-> Done
Shopping till I dropped -> Done
Roaming around Pondy bazaar-> Done
Gossiping with my mother about all stories -> Done
Going on a morning walk in marina beach-> Done
Visiting all possible temples -> Done
Pestering Param to get all gifts which he promised me to get -> Done
Watching a movie in one of the finest theaters in Chennai-> Done
Having a cone ice cream on hot summer afternoon -> Done
Travelling in and around Chennai in Auto-> Done
So thats the reason for my sudden absconding for a month, Yes, I have been to India on a vacation
Meanwhile one more April fool's day has crossed
05 March 2007
28 February 2007
23 February 2007
What's in a name?
When I first heard my husband's name from my father as a prospective bridegroom
13 February 2007
Have a look at this
My team lead's cousin and his friend are crossing the Atlantic ocean by rowing.
Every one thinks its both crazy and dangerous to just row across the ocean. They are half way through, They actually started on January 7th
So I thought I would post their website link here as a tribute and let my world know about them :-)
The Bad Worse and Ugly
I ran another 4 mile without practice this time and it felt like a punishment...Cursed myself for doing that without practice
I tried to do pizza and it was a disaster, totally taste less, Ordering pizza is better :-)
I have written about my hate towards drawing, but still after seeing a painted tea pot at one of my friend's home I wanted to try it out...So I pestered Param, and bought few colors from Michaels arts and crafts stores and tried my hand..Looks like the handy work of my niece :-)

30 January 2007
What a weekend it was!
I prepared home food for the guests - dosa, potato curry & rasam, adai, idli/thakkali kichadi, bread/omlet and even my husband prepared chicken one day for his friends. In effect, I tried to play host like my mom (but I realised I am light years behind her when it comes to playing host). Hope everyone enjoyed my cooking.
All of us had tons of good time played cards with set of 9 people, eating out, chinese chequers and just plain talking about anything that is nothing :-)
We played the card game "Bluff"and whenever my husband played for some body else, they happen to lose in the game :-p Then we started playing Chinese checkers it was an engaging game. With everyone playing both offensive and defensive/block strategies and all the small talk while the game was on really got everyone excited.
On the whole, a memorable weekend and good to meet a bunch of new & nice folks. Would love to do this again.